There is no need for your wellbeing practices to take a hit at this difficult time. We need to stay social (even from a distance) and we need to stay active and connected. Our bodies and minds may be under significant stress, but things will be continuing at The Well Nest.
Most of the community classes are moving online. You can still practice with the same yogis, same teacher…but from your living room, kitchen, spare bedroom…any comfortable place.
Class Schedule
The following classes will be available every week from week commencing 23rd March:
Tuesdays 12 pm – 12.30 pm – Mindfulness & Meditation (on Facebook Live) Currently free as we all need this right now. No sign-up, just join @TheWellNestUK on Facebook from Tuesday 24th March.
Wednesdays 12 pm – 1 pm – Yin Yang Yoga by Zoom, £5.
Thursdays 6 pm – 7 pm – Vinyasa Yoga by Zoom, £5
Fridays 10 am – 11 am – Yin Yoga by Zoom, £5. This gentle, restorative class is back by popular demand. Mindful movements to connect body and mind.
All classes can be booked through the Events page of the website. Booking for each class opens 10 days before the event so you have time to book.
Classes are running at nearly 20% discount (and free in some cases). We all need to survive these tough times and we will do if we work together. I want to be able to continue to offer wellbeing classes for all when life gets back to ‘normal’. Your support right now means the world.
Workshops and Retreats
Staying at home doesn’t mean missing out on developing your mindfulness practice and learning the tools to help us navigate difficult times.
This month’s retreat will be a Home Retreat by Zoom. Teachings and meditations will be provided with notes and guide sheets being provided by email.
Saturday 11th April 2 pm – 4 pm – Reducing Stress and Anxiety with Mindfulness, £15
Full details fo the Home Retreat can be found on the Events page where you can also book your place.
This workshop is running at 25% discount. We all need to survive these tough times and we will do if we work together. I want to be able to continue to offer wellbeing classes for all when life gets back to ‘normal’. Your support right now means the world.